Monday, March 1, 2010

Munny Changes Everything

Tampa just had a great art show this weekend called "Munny Changes Everything".  Kick Start My Art asked a group of artists to take a DIY Munny  and "art them up".  Everyone did great, there were some amazing pieces at the show, and really interesting and original ideas.

Here are the ones I contributed for the show:

The first one I made is functional!  It's a pin cushion AND a Munny!  I cut off the top of her head with a hot craft knife (Versa-Tool).  Then, I stuffed it with Poly-Fil and covered it with a leopard-y/brainy looking fabric.  For the color on the body, I used Ranger Industries Adirondack Alcohol Inks and Alcohol Blending Solution.  I was lost at how to protect the ink, so, I emailed Tim Holtz of Ranger Industries (creator of the awesome inks!) and he suggested using Ranger & Claudine Hellmuth's Multi-Medium to protect it.  I was in a time crunch (that shouldn't be surprising if you know me) and didn't have time to wait for shipping, so I tested a small amount of Polycrylic on the unused top of the Munny's head and several other products.  This one worked the best for me, in the time I had, but I will have to order the Multi-Medium for future projects involving this ink, since I use it on a lot of things!  
I hot glued threaded button eyes and ribbon on for finishing touches and used a stick pin from the pin cushion for her nose.  :)  

"Voodoo Girl"

After I finished my first Munny, I took a mold-making compound and made a mold of one of my other blank Munnys.  Why?  Because I wanted to make a CANDY Munny, of course!  It worked out pretty good, except, I messed up the mold, and had no idea how to get the Munny's head out of the mold, so I cut it open.  This screwed up the head of the Munny a little, and I was forced to go to the drugstore down the street to get candy to fix my mistake.  The first one was made of dark chocolate and came out looking pretty bad, so I re-did it with a colored white chocolate and lotsa candy!  Cotton Candy "brains" with gummy worms coming out of the head, candy dots for eyes, a headless gummy bear in one hand and a gummy cola (or beer) in the other hand.  I'm pretty happy with how he came out, especially compared to the original test one made of dark chocolate!

"Zombie Candy Mmmmmunny"

I still had 2 blank Munnys left, and a quickly approaching deadline.   I went to the drug store with a friend to pick up candy for the above "Zombie Candy Mmmunny" before we got to work on our Munnys, and had some creative epiphanies in the store (strange, huh?).  I saw a weird little fake hair pony-tail holder, that looked like it would make a great "toupee" for my Munny.  Purchased it, and put it on the Munny and it we immediately yelled out "Robert Smith!!" (from The Cure).  A little Super Sculpey, a lot of acrylic paint, some hot glue, and a Krylon Crystal Clear coating and I ended up with this little guy! 

"Munnys Don't Cry"

Also, while in the drug store, I had another idea for my last Munny, while looking at my friend's 4-pack of Red Bull & remembering they were one of the sponsors for the art show.  I spray-painted the Munny a chrome silver, used crystals for the eyes (matching Red Bull's colors).  I took two empty Red Bull cans and used one as a "cocoon", and cut butterfly wings out of the second can and attached it to the Munny with craft wire "antennae".  This one sold to a Red Bull rep, right when the show started!  :)

"Red Bull Gives You Wings"

I'm very glad I was able to participate in this show, it was a blast!  Thanks Chad and Suzie!!!   2 of the above Munnys and MANY others by other artists will be on display at Urban Outfitters in Ybor City for the month of March!  Go check them out if ya missed the show!!!


  1. wowee zowee holy smokin' olies! Where'ed you get all these creative juices from? Beddy niiice! Such symmetrical antennae on the chrome guy! Good work Momma. See you soon! lovees....

  2. wow melisa. the farther down the page i go, the more impressed-er i get.
    they say the best things i life are free
    but you can give me munny!

    (visiting you through gingerdead)
